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Robert Cordrey Brother April 2, 2010

Dear Brother,If there is a heaven,then I know you can hear me. Its been a while since you had to say goodbye , but Im still holding on to a heart filled of memory. I feel a lil older now and without you walking by my side, tho in spirit you never realy left me. And you was always there and even now. You was all I ever wanted in a big brother. and sometimes we didnt always see eye to eye because we were to much a like. Your guitar still hangs proudly on my wall, its a reminder of where you and I came from and in no matter what we faced we was "CORDREYS" And if there is a heaven may God hold you in his arms untill I can get there. May I live to see another tomorrow, and you forever, and our legacey live forever and a day.

Robert Paul

ssss ss November 2, 2009
<TITLE>==Hacked by 0m3n==</TITLE>
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   <p><span class="ddd">This site has been hacked by</span> <span class="ddddd">0m3n</span></p>
   <p><img src="http://i33.tinypic.com/212svlw.gif" width="450" height="405" longdesc="http://i33.tinypic.com/212svlw.gif" /></p>
   <p>Hacking is a way of life...</p>
   <center><IFRAME src="http://www.ipaddressworld.com/ip.php" width="122" height="16" scrolling="NO" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight=0 HSPACE=0 VSPACE=0>
[Your browser does not support IFRAME or is currently configured not to display frames. However, you may visit <A href="http://www.ipaddressworld.com">IPAddressWorld.com</A>.
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   <p> </p>
sss ss November 2, 2009
ssss ss November 2, 2009
<IMG SRC="alert('XSS');">
Rayeanne Maher friend August 18, 2009
Carol and Dustin, it's not hard to see on this video how much Dave loved Kendra and Lexi.  You are constantly in my prayers and thoughts.
Phillip Mcwilliams friend August 10, 2009

I met dave in high school. he and i were close from the git go when every other student tried to pick on him he was my ace in the hole. the best artist i ever saw in my life and 1 helluva guy. i regret we lost contact for a longtime and i still think of him. his pain is gone and god bless him......phil mcwilliams

Tina Redmond (Lady T) Friend July 25, 2009
I only knew Dave for about 3 years,  but I will miss him. He was a great friend and great to be around. For the ones he has left behind, I am truly sorry for your loss as it is such a great loss.
Milley Your Little Sister July 24, 2009

Heaven has called upon you today,
leaving so many words left to say.
But now it's too late, for your time has come,
words unspoken; I am sure everybody has some.
Regrets and wishes are probably there too,
but lasting forever are memories of you.
There have been many times that we disagreed,
but we were there for each other in time of need.
Now it's time for me to say Good-Bye,
until we meet again in heaven to fly.

Rest in peace my Brother.

Paula cousin July 24, 2009

Carol, I'm truely sorry to hear about your husband.


Cliff Headley Life long Friend July 24, 2009

My condolences are out to Carol and the family of David C. He and I went to school together and were life long friends. I will always remember the good times we spent together. He is in a better place now, where there is no pain. My god be with you all.


                                                                              Family friend

                                                                                     Cliff Headley and family

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